Paper Filing Vs E-Filing of IRS HVUT Form 2290 Truck Taxes

This has often been a topic of debate ever since the e-filing was made available by the Internal Revenue Service just a few years ago. It has been a difficult transition into e-filing for veteran heavy vehicle owners/operators and truck fleets just because they have been so accustomed to manually completing their HVUT Form 2290 and then mailing it to the IRS. Old habits are tough to break, we know this, but it is our belief that e-filing is significantly better than manually completing a Form 2290 and this article will better explain our reasoning behind this.

First and foremost, e-filing is substantially quicker than paper filing Form 2290 in terms of both filing and processing speed. Utilizing an e-filing service helps filers finish their IRS Form 2290 process in less than twenty minutes because our system is that simple. Our service is able to automatically input your information into Form 2290 without delay and from there; we send it over to the IRS for approval. Once our service submits the Form 2290 to the IRS, the filer typically receives a response within fifteen to twenty minutes. And if you want to keep track of your form’s submission status, many e-filing services, like us, provide a tracking system that allows a file to input their reference number and know the exact status of their submission. E-filing is not only quick but gives filers the option of knowing the status of their Form 2290.

E-filing is efficient. E-filing gives filers the ability to e-file Form 2290 for multiple vehicles at one time. E-filing services make it easy and quick for filers to input all their vehicle information. The only information needed for the vehicle portion is the vehicle’s identification number, the vehicle’s classification (suspended, agricultural, logging), and the vehicle’s weight. Tax professionals and truck fleets utilize e-filing services so that they can file Form 2290 tax for their multiple vehicles without stress or worry.

Tax2efile recommends that all heavy vehicle owners/operators utilize our e-filing service because it is easy, efficient, and quick. Filers are able to complete the filing portion within fifteen to twenty minutes and they are able to receive their Stamped Schedule-1 within another fifteen to twenty minutes.

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